Please note, submitting an application for membership does not automatically mean that you become a member of this local church. There is a process which applicants must undergo to ensure that they know what is required of them before joining this church in membership. On top of regularly attending Sunday morning and evening services, the following are required: completing the membership course and we strongly encourage a midweek ministry involvement (small group, Bible study, personal discipleship, ACT, etc) for your spiritual health.

1 Step 1
Application for Baptism/Membership
Date of Birth
Cell Number
Home Number
Work Number
Street Address
Social Media AccountsWhich social media platforms are you active on and what are the screen/profile names?
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PhotoPlease upload a photo of yourself
Family Information
Spouse's Name
Wedding Date
If divorced, please clarify
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1. What was your life like before you were saved? According to the Bible how did God view you?
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2. How were you saved? How did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
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3. Explain the gospel message that you have believed, and everyone must believe to be saved.
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4. How has your life changed since your conversion to Christ?
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5. Have you been baptised by immersion as a believer (Yes/No)? If you have not been baptized by immersion as a believer, why do you want to be baptised? If you have been, explain why you were.
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6. Are you attending a midweek Small Group? If so, which one?
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Specific Questions
7. Why do you want to become a member of Antioch Bible Church? And are there any specific areas you would like to serve in our church?
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8. Do you fully affirm our Antioch Declaration of Faith (Doctrinal Statement) and our Church Covenant?
Please clarify any differences below.
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9. Are you currently still a member of another church?
10. If transfering your membership, do you have a transfer letter from your previous church?
11. Have you attended all 4 sessions of the membership course, plus the baptism course if being baptised?
12. Have you read the booklet (given to all visitors), What is a Biblical Christian?
13. Have you read our Constitution, and do you agree to abide by it, including our policy on church discipline in accordance with Matt. 18?
14. Are you regularly attending Sunday morning and evening services (unless there is an extenuating circumstance that you have explained to your small group leader or an elder/pastor)?

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that the above-mentioned details are true, to the best of my knowledge.

Please submit this form as soon as possible for a pastor/elder to review it and set up a time to meet with you. If you want to be baptised, keep a duplicate copy of this application for your use as a guideline to your baptismal testimony.