If you are new to Antioch you might be asking – what is the Antioch Agape Feast?
Each year, before the Easter Weekend, we gather as a church around dinner tables to celebrate and give thanks to our Lord, as it is such a significant event we are commemorating as a body of believers. A ‘bring & share’ fellowship meal, with a focus on Christ!
So what do we do?
Each family brings a main meal to share (feeding around 6) and a dessert to share – include dishing up spoons please. These will be placed on communal tables in the foyer. You bring your own crockery and cutlery, glasses (marked with your names on them) and juice, and afterwards take your items home for washing.
Should you wish to ‘set a table’ with table cloths, decor, etc (this is optional), this can be done from 17h30 onwards.
Could you please assist with the following:
Hot trays (if you have any, please could you bring these to Antioch – clearly marked with your name on it)
Plastic fold up tables (if you have, please could you drop these off at Antioch by no later than 24 March)
Should you be able to assist in any way on the evening, please contact Dom Alves to let him know. Please contact the church office if you have any queries.