“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” — C.T. Studd
SENT Conference Schedule
- Don’t miss this Event, be challenged for Missions!
- Challenging Speakers
- International Lunch Saturday – 7 Nations!
- Full Children’s Mission Program for Friday night
- Hot Dog Fellowship Sunday night
“I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.” — Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf
Thurs, 6 June, 2019 – 7pm Antioch Bible Church: PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT by our Guest Speaker
Why Africa Is Poor
Conrad Mbewe says, “No recent book has gone to this depth. Anyone who knows Choolwe will not have expected anything less. He is brilliant! ” “Why Africa Is Poor?” – A seminar with Choolwe Mweta
The Bible has much to say about poverty and its causes, and about the Christian’s responsibility toward the poor. Come hear an expert on African history & a seasoned pastor and bring your questions:
- To better understand Africa
- To better help with needs & opportunities all around us
No Booking, No Cost – All Welcome. With book signing; copies available at R180
Friday, 7 June
- 6:30pm Registration
- 6:00pm Worship
- 7:15pm Session 1: The Faithfulness and Legacy of William Carey
- 8:00pm Mission Reports on the Harvest
- 8:30pm Refreshments & Fellowship
Saturday, 8 June
- 7:30am Registration (Lunch Tickets for the International Buffet)
- 8:00am Welcome, Book Give Away
- 8:10am Worship
- 8:20 am Session 2: What Hinders Missions, How to Avoid Them
- 9:15 am Mission Reports on The Harvest
- 9:30 am Session 3: Our Responsibility in Missions
- 10:45am Ekkelsia Report
- 10:55am Tea/Coffee Break
- 11:15am Session 4: Crossing Cultures to Plant Churches
- 12:30pm Mission Reports on The Harvest
- 12:30pm Q&A Speakers Panel
- 1:15 pm International Lunch (Food Tickets Needed – buy at Registration. R30 per head. For this price your get 7 international countries food! From Israeli to Madagascar. More than enough! Great Food!)
Sunday, 9 June
- 8:00am Church Service 1 & Session 5: The Greatest Incentive For Missions – The Gospel
- 9:20am Mission Reports on The Harvest
- 10:00am Church Service 2 –Repeat Service as above
- 11:20am Mission Report on the Harvest
- 6:00pm Evening Church Service & Session 6: The Forgotten Doctrine
- 7:15pm HOT DOG NIGHT! FOOD & FELLOWSHIP FOR ALL (R5 each dog, to cover costs)