Now, elsewhere in Paul’s writings, his greatest emphasis is on ALL that women CAN do in ministry. – And we mustn’t allow prohibitions like this to blind us to the full biblical view of the diverse, multi-faceted roles of women in the church. –
Paul gladly and frequently spoke of the indispensable role of Christian women in his ministry – the Phoebes and Junias and Eudias and Synteches. – Paul was FAR from a male chauvinist.
The NT is abundantly clear that woman have spiritual gifts – gracious gifts from God, given for the building up of Christ’s entire body, needed by the whole church family. –
The Bible gives women an exalted place in the human household and in God’s household – esp. in areas of serving, hospitality, love, nurturing children, teaching other women, and so on. – Women do many things that men could never dream of doing half as well.
However, still there are some God-given restrictions: