Genesis 6:1-8
Already, sin had splattered its ugly stains across God’s perfect canvas: Gen. 3, Adam & Eve…Gen. 4, Cain kills Abel… and chp ends with Lamech, the first polygamist, boasting in killing a boy who hit him…Gen. 5, “death reigns”: “…And he died, and he died” (8x)…
But now, in chp. 6, man’s sin & rebellion begins to accelerate at an awful pace. – From the normal 120 kms. lifestyle, which eventually ‘leads to death’; it’s now 200-300 kms., which leads to much quicker death.
The gross amts. of evil & the rapid spread of sin require God to act with urgency and severity. –This is a chp. that should actually make us sick to our stomachs if we understand how diseased & degenerate the world had become. –But it shouldn’t be too hard for us to imagine if we just look around us today at where our world is ONCE AGAIN headed…
BUT understanding this grim portion of Gen. should also give us HOPE. – How?! –